(as Written by Lee Burrows)

Original Members Lee Burrows and Nick John
Lyadrive #1
May 81 – Out of the ashes of the famous Heavy Metal Soundhouse; NEAL KAYs BANDWAGON, 3 regular rockers form LYADRIVE, immediately attracting a following & becoming part of the now heralded NWOBHM ( the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, if you didn’t know already!)
April 82 – Record track ‘Another Time, Another Place’ for Bridge Records compilation album, played at NEAL KAYs rock nights & on London based pirate rock station (FLOSS 222) to a favourable response.
Nov 82 – Confirmed as band to feature on ‘METAL WARRIORS’ compilation on EBONY Records also featuring Shy, Sortiliege & released within weeks of other Ebony albums by Shy, Savage & 1/4 million U.S. seller Grim Reaper.
Album featured original version of ‘WE’VE GOT THE ROCK’.
March 83 –Record debut single for Bridge Records, a double A-side featuring original versions of ‘WHITE DRESS & ANYTIME’, now ultra rare!
Summer 83–Summer 84 –Gigging constantly, from flea pits to Dingwalls, Ruskin Arms, Brunel Uni & beyond.
Sept 84 –Record 3 tracks for release on Loose Records ( before collapse of label). These are the bonus tracks which appear at the end of this album, the only tracks to feature original guitarist Steve Jones (no relation) riff meister of all of the songs you will hear.

1984 Members Steve Jones and Den O’Leary
May/June 85 – Lyadrive #1 disintegrated (along with the majority of the NWOBHM)
Lyadrive #2
Early 95 – LYADRIVE reactivated, following sudden demand for now collectable 45, from Vinyl Tap & other collectors overseas.
Sept 95 – Negotiations begin with Vinyl Tap for the release of original 80’s material, including single & compilation tracks.
Spring 96 – Decision taken to re-record entire album, featuring new band members Guy, Keith & Rhino -SONIC VIBES GREAT! -Band tighter than ever!
Autumn 97 – Album ready to go, once again financial constraints of label now delaying release, re-negotiate deal with HTD RECORDS for release JUNE 98.